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Upcoming Events
Discover the beauty of Elk Creeks Watershed Association and get involved in our conservation efforts. Together, we can make a difference in preserving our natural lands. Be part of our community today! (click text to register)
Monday, Feb 10th - ECWA meeting (virtual)
Tuesday, Feb 19 - Little Elk Creek invasive plant removal​​
Wednesday, Mar 12- Invasive plant removal Big Elk Creek State Park
March Natural Lands invasive removal (date TBD)
April - resume Tree Tender work in Big Elk Creek State Park
Our Partners
Department of Conservation and Natural Resources​
As the manager of Big Elk Creek State Park, DCNR is an important partner for our efforts to increase biodiversity and improve water quality within and downstream of the Park.
Chester County Conservation District
The Chester County Conservation District promotes sustainable use of natural resources through educational and technical assistance.
Oxford Regional Planning Commission Stormwater Action Initiative
The six Oxford Region municipalities are committed to working with residents and partner organizatoins to manage stormwater, protect drinking water, and preserve our watersrsheds for agriculture and biodiversity.
The Brandywine Conservancy
The Brandywine Conservancy protects and conserves the land, water, natural, and cultural resources of the Brandywine-Christina watershed.
​Octoraro Watershed Association
The Octoraro Watershed Association is a non-profit association dedicated to the conservation of our natural resources.
Legacy Land and Water Partners
Legacy restores and protects fish and wildlife habitats, and conducts outdoors training and conservation education through joint projects with area nonprofits and communities in Lancaster, York and Chester Counties, as well as in Philadelphia and Wilmington.
The Department of Environmental Protection
The Department of Environmental Protection's mission is to protect Pennsylvania's air, land and water from pollution and to provide for the health and safety of its citizens through a cleaner environment. We will work as partners with individuals, organizations, governments and businesses to prevent pollution and restore our natural resources.
The Stroud Center
The Stroud Center seeks to advance the knowledge of freshwater ecosystems through interdisciplinary research into all aspects of streams, rivers and their watersheds. The Center also undertakes applied research projects for public agencies and private corporations in an effort to provide solutions to water resource problems throughout the world. Finally, the Center offers education programs designed to improve public understanding of stream ecology and to promote the importance of conserving our water resources.
Oxford Area School District
It is hard to imagine that the partially restored wetland between the Elk Ridge and Nottingham Schools was once a jumble of overgrowth. We are well on our way to transforming the tangle of invasive shrubs into an outdoor classroom where students can learn about our wetlands and the role we all play in maintaining the health of our watershed. With the professional expertise of ECWA's design consultant, LandStudies, Inc., a firm specializing in wetland design, we've been working with the Oxford Area School District (OASD), teachers and students to design outdoor education opportunities in multiple phase.